When Is An Internet Award Nothing More Than a Link Exchange?
While I was surfing the Internet, I stopped by a woman's website who lives in Australia. Here, I went to one of her pages, which was loaded with awards of all kinds! I was impressed! I then looked around her website, to see what made this site an award-winning website. I couldn't see how this website could win one award, much less the dozen or so awards that were posted. So, I was perplexed as to how this could happen.
In the early days, I surfed around, showing my ignorance everywhere I went. One day, I came across another website which specialized in dogs and dog issues, etc. I went to the Fido page, and I was impressed by all the awards I saw on this page...about a dozen or so! Boy, Fido was sure bringing in the bacon...or so I thought!
On the site, there was a place to apply for an award, so I did, and I don't even have a dog! I wanted to see what would happen. A few days later, I received my "dog award," in my email box, which was nicely done. WOW! I was on Cloud 9! My very own "dog award!" This person gave me a "dog award," just at the snap of a finger...I didn't earn this thing! I decided to do a little investigation, so I got into a little chat with the website owner. He told me that he was a member of a "dog ring," and they do this all the time, that is, give each other awards, disguised as link exchanges! Being "wet behind the ears," I had never heard of such a thing! I was appalled at what I learned, because this practice is nothing short of deceit...deceiving the public!
* Deceit - (definition) the act of deceiving and distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading;
Could the other woman in Australia have done the same thing, that is, be a member of some sort of ring, and do the same thing by exchanging awards (links)? Look, "Mr. Goody-two-shoes," you are now learning the business of the Internet! (don't be so naive, Jer...blush-blush!)
It was interesting to find this out, as I was always brought up to believe that if a person won an award, or got recognized for something, it would be for their hard work; longevity; their skills and/or talents, and that the person would EARN the award!
As time went on, I found out that this practice of exchanging awards (links) does, in fact, exist and when a person does this, I think it waters-down the true meaning of the award itself, and renders the award value-less, etc. Over the last several years, I've turned down about half a dozen of these so-called awards, and I'd rather not have one of these "awards" on my site. My visitor's are very important to me, and I don't deal in lies and deceit!
In May 2007, I won and turned down another award, which claimed to be "one of the most prestigious award on the Internet." This "award" came with strings attached, and an attitude by the givers, and when it came in by email, I deleted it! So, much for the "most prestigious award on the Internet!" And now, that I'm more intelligent and Internet savvy, about what's going on (yeah, right!), I can make better decisions.
In the same breath, I will say, that there are MANY excellent awards out there on the Internet, which are given in good faith by caring individuals, organizations, and businesses...for the right reasons...and they should be applauded! When accepting an award, I think individuals have to use the concept or principle of "buyer-beware!" I'd rather not have an "award" on my website, if I knew it was nothing more than a link exchange with strings attached, etc.
After years of hard work, I truly believe that my website is one of the best on the Internet in the "beginning category!" That's not arrogance talking...that's confidence talking! It's not going to be an award on my website, that's going to make it successful...it's going to be all the long hours; the imagination; creative abilities; innovative ideas...and most importantly, it will be the PEOPLE around the world, that will judge my website and give it a thumbs up...or thumbs down! Having an "award" on my website, disguised as a link exchange, is not going to make my site successful...as a matter of fact, I think it will do more damage, that good! So, if somebody come to my website, with an "award" disguised as a link exchange, with strings attached...they can just keep on going! (can I interest you in some snake-oil, Jer, disguised as an award?)
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